In addition I also learned in college that red meat was really bad for you so after all that I decided what was best for me was to just stop eating it. In addition, my grandmother did the same thing. Her type two diabetes is more under control versus like how her sister was completely out of control. Another family member of mine got gout and there was more limitations on what that person could eat then anything.
- David Wolfe- Here are my big reasons from the website why I stop and here they are: one here is your risk for type two diabetes down, two you'll reduce inflammation, three you're bad cholesterol levels go down, four you're gut will love you, and five you will change your DNA. I didn't go completely vegetarian I eat chicken, turkey, and fish. In addition, I do eat the other thing is that they recommend.
- Jennifer Browne- Here are them from her page as well: one of them is reducing my chance of Alzheimer, two is reduce sodium, three reduce colon cancer risk, four reduce heart diseases, five obesity and lose the weight, six was mentioned above type two diabetes reduce my risk, seven help my antioxidants level, and eight the most important one is reduce kidney problems.
- Readers digest- from this website you're my reasons why: one lose a few pounds, two be less acidic, three be less bloated, four skin improve, five like mentioned above my cholesterol levels, six like mentioned slash my risk for cancers and diseases, and seven have more energy.
- Prevention- from this website here are my other reasons why: One helping my blood vessels, two avoiding eating pink slime, three reducing my risk of E. coli, four reducing my risk of type two diabetes as mentioned above, five as mentioning above of lowering my risk of colon and brain problems, and six the most important my hormones.
- Scientific American- from this site it's really simple I want to have healthy bacteria, healthier arteries, and a better metabolic processing system.
- the normal Time that it takes to be digested in your system from eating at two digesting up and going into your colon takes about 24 hours but with red meat it can stay in a lot longer like four days.
My Sources:
- Mayo Clinic
- Scientific American
- Nature medicine
- Prevention magazine
- Readers digest magazine
- Jennifer browne
- David Wolfe
- Time magazine
- Science daily
- collective evolution
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